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September Village Newsletter

Mayors Message

By the time you read this, the annual Ox Roast celebration of 2021 will be over, but today, I am still anticipating the entire, wonderful weekend.

Of course, at the top of my anticipation list is biting into one of those amazing ox roast sandwiches! Second, I am looking forward to the parade, where this year’s Grand Marshals are representatives from the Madison County Health Department workers, who did such an outstanding job with the vaccination clinics earlier this year. I am also looking forward to the multi-denominational worship service that will be held on Sunday morning that weekend. I have been getting to know many of the wonderful church leaders in West Jefferson, and I enjoy any additional time I can spend in their company.

As wonderful as the sandwiches, the parade and the worship service will be, the best part of all is going to be seeing the comradery of this unique community celebration once again. Last year at this time, the trenches weren’t dug, the fires weren’t lit, and the park was quiet. “Cancelled” was a term we heard all to often in 2020. Things are a little different in 2021. Material shortages and labor shortages are very real, but hopefully life is no longer on hold, and that is something I will not take for granted.

Have a great month!

9/11 West Jefferson Remembers

Anyone born after 1996 remembers where you were, and what you were doing on the morning of September 11, 2001. This year is the 20th anniversary of that horrific day that changed our world forever. New York City, NY, Shanksville, PA and Washington D.C. were the center of all our thoughts, prayers, hopes, then anguish. Later, we learned of the heroism of flight 93, and Todd Beamer’s declaration to “Let’s roll.” Now, remember and share.

Large 9/11 Memorial Sites are located at Ground Zero, Shanksville, PA, and outside the Pentagon in Washington, D.C. Many other communities across the United States have additional 9/11 sites, many with names of the victims, quotes, and relics from the three attack locations. Each is now a quiet place of solemnity and reflection.

What’s Happening

Village Council

Meetings on Sept. 7 and 20 at Council Hall at 7pm

Jefferson Township Board of Trustees

Meetings on Sept. 8 and 22nd at 6:30pm in Township Hall, 225 Cemetery Rd., WJ.

WJ Board of Education

Meeting on Sept. 13, 7pm in the WJ High School Auditorium

Planning Commission

Meeting on Sept. 8 at 6:30pm in Village Council chambers, 28 E. Main St., WJ

Utility Department

Water Bills are due on or before September 15 to avoid late charges.

Try our new auto pay service. Stop in to sign up at the Water Department office, 28 E. Main St., West Jefferson

Trash and bulk pick-up day will be Sept. 7

Parks and Rec

The Ox Roast is September 4-6. Parks and Rec will sponsor water games on Saturday, September 4 from 2:00-4:00 PM at Garrett Park.


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