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November Mayor's Message

We just enjoyed another outstanding Fall Festival last month, and I’d like to give a big shout out to our Parks and Recreation and other Departments for all their hard work. Also, a huge thank you to all the volunteers who helped that evening, as well as the many others who spent weeks in planning and setting everything up for our community to enjoy. These events take a lot of time and work, and they are really a team effort.

No matter what the outcome on election day, I love seeing the great support for candidates and issues as I travel around the Village. Most WJ residents aren’t shy about sharing their opinions, and it is great when our Village officials have information from all points of view. If you have not made it to a Council meeting before, consider coming to one soon, and bring your new voters or soon to be voters with you to learn how our system of representational government works. You can’t do much to change what happens in Washington D.C. with one vote, but you can really be involved at a local level. We need to hear from you.     

This month has my favorite holiday, Thanksgiving. All year long I like to think about all that I have to be grateful for, but it is really nice to have a few days to relax with family and friends, eat good food and share good times together. I love hearing what my family is thankful for, especially my grand-kids. We live in an amazing Village in a great state, in the best country in the world. Happy November!


© 2023 The Village of West Jefferson

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